【DOMA/Hakodate 】 2014年竣工/Completed in 2014
函館/Hakodate Hokkaido 住宅/one family house
木造2階建/Wooden architecture 2 stories 104㎡
■blog記事 【DOMA/Hakodate 】
外観全景/whole building from the East 【 Winter 】
外観全景/whole building from the East 【 Winter 】
外観全景/whole building from the North 【 Winter 】
リビング全景/Full view of Living room
庭が一望出来る。/View of the garden.
未だ木塀は未完。/The wooden fence isn't complete.
ドマ越しに庭を眺める。/Look at the garden over the doma.
階段見下ろし/Looking down the stairs
2階全景/Full view of the 2nd floor
2階全景/Full view of the 2nd floor
主寝室/Master bedroom
エントランス見上げ/Looking up at the entrance